Title: | An R client for TaxRef the French Taxonomical Database |
Description: | Provides an R client to the TaxRef API <https://taxref.mnhn.fr/taxref-web/api/doc>, the French Taxonomical Reference Database which indexes names of species with unique identifiers as well as conservation statuses, biological interactions and taxonomic relationships. |
Authors: | Matthias Grenié [aut, cre] |
Maintainer: | Matthias Grenié <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-3 |
Version: | 0.1.0 |
Built: | 2025-03-08 03:45:58 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/Rekyt/rtaxref |
If the function is used without arguments returns the list of biogeographic statuses used in TAXREF
rt_biogeo_status(biogeo_id = NULL)
rt_biogeo_status(biogeo_id = NULL)
biogeo_id |
## Not run: rt_biogeo_status(biogeo_id = "P")
## Not run: rt_biogeo_status(biogeo_id = "P")
If the function is used without arguments returns the list of external databases used in TAXREF.
rt_external_db(db_id = NULL)
rt_external_db(db_id = NULL)
db_id |
## Not run: rt_external_db(db_id = "worms")
## Not run: rt_external_db(db_id = "worms")
If the function is used without arguments returns the list of habitats used in TAXREF.
rt_habitats(habitat_id = NULL)
rt_habitats(habitat_id = NULL)
habitat_id |
= Marine
= Freshwater
= Terrestrial
= Marine and freshwater
= Marine and Terrestrial
= Brackish water
= Continental (terrestrial and/or freshwater)
= Continental (terrestrial and freshwater)
## Not run: rt_habitats(habitat_id = 8)
## Not run: rt_habitats(habitat_id = 8)
Retrieve the status of all Taxa according to a Status Type
rt_interactions_find_type(interaction_id = NULL, page = 1, size = 2000)
rt_interactions_find_type(interaction_id = NULL, page = 1, size = 2000)
interaction_id |
page |
size |
the list of status types rt_interactions_type()
## Not run: rt_interactions_find_type(interaction_id = "GALLES")
## Not run: rt_interactions_find_type(interaction_id = "GALLES")
Retrieve the interactions of all Taxa in an Operational Group
rt_interactions_opgroup(opgroup_id = NULL, page = 1, size = 2000)
rt_interactions_opgroup(opgroup_id = NULL, page = 1, size = 2000)
opgroup_id |
page |
size |
the list of operational groups rt_operational_groups()
## Not run: rt_interactions_opgroup(opgroup_id = 706)
## Not run: rt_interactions_opgroup(opgroup_id = 706)
Search Interactions based on a list of criteria
rt_interactions_search( id = NULL, interaction_id = NULL, opgroup_id = NULL, page = 1, size = 2000 )
rt_interactions_search( id = NULL, interaction_id = NULL, opgroup_id = NULL, page = 1, size = 2000 )
id |
interaction_id |
opgroup_id |
page |
size |
the list of interaction type rt_interactions_type()
the list of operational groups rt_operational_groups()
## Not run: # Interactors with 'Ophrys apifera' (id = 110335) rt_interactions_search(id = 110335) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Interactors with 'Ophrys apifera' (id = 110335) rt_interactions_search(id = 110335) ## End(Not run)
If used without argument returns the list of all interactions used in TAXREF
rt_interactions_type(interaction_id = NULL)
rt_interactions_type(interaction_id = NULL)
interaction_id |
## Not run: rt_interactions_type(interaction_id = "PREDATEUR")
## Not run: rt_interactions_type(interaction_id = "PREDATEUR")
If used without argument returns the list of languages used in TAXREF otherwise the specific
rt_languages(languages_id = NULL)
rt_languages(languages_id = NULL)
languages_id |
## Not run: # Retrieve the TAXREF definition in the Wayana Language rt_languages(languages_id = "way") ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Retrieve the TAXREF definition in the Wayana Language rt_languages(languages_id = "way") ## End(Not run)
Operational Groups are names of groups either taxonomic or vernacular used across TAXREF in French. If used without argument returns the list of all operational groups used in TAXREF.
rt_operational_groups(opgroup_id = NULL)
rt_operational_groups(opgroup_id = NULL)
opgroup_id |
## Not run: rt_operational_groups(opgroup_id = 143)
## Not run: rt_operational_groups(opgroup_id = 143)
TAXREF references many publications across its documentation. The different sources are used for different reasons. This function returns the list of usages for a source when no arguments are provided, otherwise returns the specific type of use.
rt_source_uses(usage_id = NULL)
rt_source_uses(usage_id = NULL)
usage_id |
## Not run: rt_source_uses(usage_id = 276)
## Not run: rt_source_uses(usage_id = 276)
Search a source from a term
rt_sources_find_term(term = NULL)
rt_sources_find_term(term = NULL)
term |
## Not run: rt_sources_find_term(term = "Ophrys") ## End(Not run)
## Not run: rt_sources_find_term(term = "Ophrys") ## End(Not run)
Retrieve a source of taxonomic information using its id
rt_sources_id(source_id, bibtex = FALSE)
rt_sources_id(source_id, bibtex = FALSE)
source_id |
bibtex |
## Not run: rt_sources_id(source_id = 160688, bibtex = FALSE) rt_sources_id(source_id = 160688, bibtex = TRUE) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: rt_sources_id(source_id = 160688, bibtex = FALSE) rt_sources_id(source_id = 160688, bibtex = TRUE) ## End(Not run)
Search a source from a citation by fuzzy matching
rt_sources_match(citation = NULL)
rt_sources_match(citation = NULL)
citation |
## Not run: rt_sources_match( paste0("Chapman, T. A. 1909. Callophrys avis a new butterfly on ", "southern France. The Entomologist's record and journal of ", "variation, 21: 130-131.") ) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: rt_sources_match( paste0("Chapman, T. A. 1909. Callophrys avis a new butterfly on ", "southern France. The Entomologist's record and journal of ", "variation, 21: 130-131.") ) ## End(Not run)
Retrieve the status of all Taxa according to a Status Type
rt_status_find_type(status_id = NULL, page = 1, size = 2000)
rt_status_find_type(status_id = NULL, page = 1, size = 2000)
status_id |
page |
size |
the list of status types rt_status_type()
## Not run: # Find all taxa concerned by Habitat Directive referenced in TAXREF rt_status_find_type("DH") ## End(Not run)
## Not run: # Find all taxa concerned by Habitat Directive referenced in TAXREF rt_status_find_type("DH") ## End(Not run)
Retrieve the status of all Taxa in an Operational Group
rt_status_opgroup(opgroup_id, page = 1, size = 2000)
rt_status_opgroup(opgroup_id, page = 1, size = 2000)
opgroup_id |
page |
size |
the list of operational groups rt_operational_groups()
## Not run: rt_status_opgroup(opgroup_id = 706) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: rt_status_opgroup(opgroup_id = 706) ## End(Not run)
Search statuses based on a list of criteria
rt_status_search( id = NULL, opgroup_id = NULL, location_id = NULL, latitude = NULL, longitude = NULL, page = 1, size = 2000, detail = FALSE )
rt_status_search( id = NULL, opgroup_id = NULL, location_id = NULL, latitude = NULL, longitude = NULL, page = 1, size = 2000, detail = FALSE )
id |
opgroup_id |
location_id |
latitude |
longitude |
page |
size |
detail |
list of operational groups rt_operational_groups()
## Not run: rt_status_search(id = 443800, detail = FALSE) rt_status_search(id = 443800, detail = TRUE) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: rt_status_search(id = 443800, detail = FALSE) rt_status_search(id = 443800, detail = TRUE) ## End(Not run)
If the function is provided without arguments returns the entire list of status types used in TAXREF.
rt_status_type(status_id = NULL)
rt_status_type(status_id = NULL)
status_id |
Retrieve Taxon ID from partially matching its Name
rt_taxa_autocomplete( term = NULL, territories = NULL, rank = NULL, domain = NULL, page = 1, size = 200 )
rt_taxa_autocomplete( term = NULL, territories = NULL, rank = NULL, domain = NULL, page = 1, size = 200 )
term |
territories |
rank |
domain |
page |
size |
the list of taxonomic ranks avaible through rt_taxo_ranks()
## Not run: rt_taxa_autocomplete(term = "Bradypus") ## End(Not run)
## Not run: rt_taxa_autocomplete(term = "Bradypus") ## End(Not run)
Retrieve a taxon children
id |
## Not run: rt_taxa_children(id = 442585)
## Not run: rt_taxa_children(id = 442585)
Retrieve IDs of the taxon in external databases
rt_taxa_externalids(id = NULL)
rt_taxa_externalids(id = NULL)
id |
## Not run: rt_taxa_externalids(id = 443800)
## Not run: rt_taxa_externalids(id = 443800)
For some taxa, a factsheet has been written. This text, often in French, describes the general ecology and some diagnosis of the submitted taxon.
rt_taxa_factsheet(id = NULL)
rt_taxa_factsheet(id = NULL)
id |
Beware, many taxa have no corresponding factsheet.
## Not run: rt_taxa_factsheet(4540)
## Not run: rt_taxa_factsheet(4540)
Retrieve Taxon using the ids from external databases
rt_taxa_from_externalids(external_db = NULL, external_id = NULL)
rt_taxa_from_externalids(external_db = NULL, external_id = NULL)
external_db |
external_id |
for the list of external databases linked to
TAXREF; rt_taxa_externalids()
to get the external ids associated with
a taxon in TAXREF
## Not run: rt_taxa_from_externalids("TROPICOS", 26600197)
## Not run: rt_taxa_from_externalids("TROPICOS", 26600197)
Find taxa by fuzzy matching their scientific Name
rt_taxa_fuzzymatch(sciname = NULL)
rt_taxa_fuzzymatch(sciname = NULL)
sciname |
Retrieve a taxon information using its id
rt_taxa_id(id = NULL)
rt_taxa_id(id = NULL)
id |
## Not run: rt_taxa_id(id = 443800) rt_taxa_id(id = 110335) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: rt_taxa_id(id = 443800) rt_taxa_id(id = 110335) ## End(Not run)
Retrieve Interactions of taxon with other taxa
rt_taxa_interactions(id = NULL)
rt_taxa_interactions(id = NULL)
id |
## Not run: rt_taxa_interactions(id = 110335)
## Not run: rt_taxa_interactions(id = 110335)
Retrieve Media (photos & others) Associated with a Taxon
rt_taxa_media(id = NULL)
rt_taxa_media(id = NULL)
id |
## Not run: rt_taxa_media(id = 443800)
## Not run: rt_taxa_media(id = 443800)
Retrieve classification above the taxon
rt_taxa_parent(id = NULL)
rt_taxa_parent(id = NULL)
id |
## Not run: rt_taxa_parent(id = 443800)
## Not run: rt_taxa_parent(id = 443800)
Search for a taxon information
rt_taxa_search( id = NULL, sciname = NULL, fr_name = NULL, en_name = NULL, rank = NULL, territories = NULL, domain = NULL, habitats = NULL, vernacular = NULL, version = NULL, page = 1, size = 5000 )
rt_taxa_search( id = NULL, sciname = NULL, fr_name = NULL, en_name = NULL, rank = NULL, territories = NULL, domain = NULL, habitats = NULL, vernacular = NULL, version = NULL, page = 1, size = 5000 )
id |
sciname |
fr_name |
en_name |
rank |
territories |
domain |
habitats |
vernacular |
version |
page |
size |
the list of available taxonomic ranks rt_taxo_ranks()
the list of available habitats rt_habitats()
the list of vernacular groups rt_taxref_versions()
and the list of TAXREF versions rt_taxref_versions()
## Not run: rt_taxa_search(sciname = "Bradypus")
## Not run: rt_taxa_search(sciname = "Bradypus")
Retrieve Sources Associated with a Taxon
rt_taxa_sources(id = NULL)
rt_taxa_sources(id = NULL)
id |
for types of source use
## Not run: rt_taxa_sources(id = 443800)
## Not run: rt_taxa_sources(id = 443800)
Retrieve Taxon Conservation Status
rt_taxa_status(id = NULL, detail = FALSE)
rt_taxa_status(id = NULL, detail = FALSE)
id |
detail |
## Not run: rt_taxa_status(id = 443800, detail = FALSE) rt_taxa_status(id = 443800, detail = TRUE) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: rt_taxa_status(id = 443800, detail = FALSE) rt_taxa_status(id = 443800, detail = TRUE) ## End(Not run)
Retrieve Synonyms associated with a Taxon
rt_taxa_synonyms(id = NULL)
rt_taxa_synonyms(id = NULL)
id |
## Not run: rt_taxa_synonyms(id = 107003)
## Not run: rt_taxa_synonyms(id = 107003)
Retrieve history of a taxon through TAXREF versions
rt_taxa_taxrefhistory(id = NULL)
rt_taxa_taxrefhistory(id = NULL)
id |
## Not run: rt_taxa_taxrefhistory(id = 443800)
## Not run: rt_taxa_taxrefhistory(id = 443800)
Retrieve VernacularNames associated with a Taxon
rt_taxa_vernacular(id = NULL)
rt_taxa_vernacular(id = NULL)
id |
for a list of languages referenced in TAXREF
## Not run: rt_taxa_vernacular(id = 443800)
## Not run: rt_taxa_vernacular(id = 443800)
If the function is used without arguments returns the entire list of taxonomic ranks used in TAXREF.
rt_taxo_ranks(taxo_id = NULL)
rt_taxo_ranks(taxo_id = NULL)
taxo_id |
## Not run: rt_taxo_ranks(taxo_id = "VAR")
## Not run: rt_taxo_ranks(taxo_id = "VAR")
Retrieve the list of existing TAXREF versions
rt_taxref_versions(version_id = NULL)
rt_taxref_versions(version_id = NULL)
version_id |
## Not run: rt_taxref_versions(version_id = 12)
## Not run: rt_taxref_versions(version_id = 12)
This function takes no argument.