Package 'funrar'

Title: Functional Rarity Indices Computation
Description: Computes functional rarity indices as proposed by Violle et al. (2017) <doi:10.1016/j.tree.2017.02.002>. Various indices can be computed using both regional and local information. Functional Rarity combines both the functional aspect of rarity as well as the extent aspect of rarity. 'funrar' is presented in Grenié et al. (2017) <doi:10.1111/ddi.12629>.
Authors: Matthias Grenié [aut, cre] , Pierre Denelle [aut] , Caroline Tucker [aut] , François Munoz [ths] , Cyrille Violle [ths]
Maintainer: Matthias Grenié <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 1.5.0
Built: 2025-03-08 04:01:26 UTC

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Compute Multiple distance matrices from a single trait table


Internal function to compute combinations of distance matrices from a data.frame of traits, using compute_dist_matrix().


combination_trait_dist(traits_table, ...)



a data.frame of traits with species in row and traits in columns, row names should be species names,


additional arguments supplied to compute_dist_matrix()


A list of functional distance matrices, one for each provided trait plus an additional matrix for all traits taken altogether

Compute a Functional Dissimilarity Matrix


Wrapper for cluster::daisy() function in cluster package, to compute distance matrix of trait between each pair of species present in given traits_table, each row represents a species and each column a trait. To be able to compute other metrics traits_table must have species name as row names.


  metric = "gower",
  center = FALSE,
  scale = FALSE



a data.frame of traits with species in row and traits in columns, row names should be species names,


character vector in list 'gower', 'manhattan', 'euclidean' defining the type of distance to use (see cluster::daisy()), see Details section,


logical that defines if traits should be centered (only in the case of 'euclidean' distance)


logical that defines if traits should be scaled (only in the case of 'euclidean' distance)


The functional distance matrix can be computed using any type of distance metric. When traits are both quantitative and qualitative Gower's (Gower, 1971; Podani, 1999) distance can be used. Otherwise, any other distance metric (Euclidean, Manhattan, Minkowski) can be used - as long as the rows and the columns are named following the species. When using mixed data consider also Gower's distance extension by Pavoine et al. (2009). IMPORTANT NOTE: in order to get functional rarity indices between 0 and 1, the distance metric has to be scaled between 0 and 1.


A functional distance matrix, column and row names follow species name from traits_table row names.


Gower, J.C. (1971) A general coefficient of similarity and some of its
properties. Biometrics, 857–871.

Podani, J. (1999) Extending Gower’s general coefficient of similarity
to ordinal characters. Taxon, 331–340.

Pavoine, S., Vallet, J., Dufour, A.-B., Gachet, S., & Daniel, H. (2009)
On the challenge of treating various types of variables: application for
improving the measurement of functional diversity. Oikos, 118, 391–402.

See Also

cluster::daisy() which this function wraps, base stats::dist() or ade4::dist.ktab() for Pavoine et al. (2009) extension of Gower's distance.


set.seed(1)  # For reproducibility
trait = data.frame(
   sp = paste("sp", 1:5),
   trait_1 = runif(5),
   trait_2 = as.factor(c("A", "A", "A", "B", "B")))

rownames(trait) = trait$sp

dist_mat = compute_dist_matrix(trait[, -1])

Functional Distinctiveness on site-species matrix


Computes functional distinctiveness from a site-species matrix (containing presence-absence or relative abundances) of species with provided functional distance matrix. The sites-species matrix should have sites in rows and species in columns, similar to vegan package defaults.


distinctiveness(pres_matrix, dist_matrix, relative = FALSE)



a site-species matrix (presence-absence or relative abundances), with sites in rows and species in columns


a species functional distance matrix


a logical indicating if distinctiveness should be scaled relatively to the community (scaled by max functional distance among the species of the targeted community)


The Functional Distinctiveness of a species is the average functional distance from a species to all the other in the given community. It is computed as such:

Di=j=0,ijNdijN1,D_i = \frac{\sum_{j = 0, i \neq j}^N d_{ij}}{N-1},

with DiD_i the functional distinctiveness of species ii, NN the total number of species in the community and dijd_{ij} the functional distance between species ii and species jj. IMPORTANT NOTE: in order to get functional rarity indices between 0 and 1, the distance metric has to be scaled between 0 and 1.


a similar matrix from provided pres_matrix with Distinctiveness values in lieu of presences or relative abundances, species absent from communities will have an NA value (see Note section)


Absent species should be coded by 0 or NA in input matrices.

When a species is alone in its community the functional distinctiveness cannot be computed (denominator = 0 in formula), and its value is assigned as NaN.

For speed and memory efficiency sparse matrices can be used as input of the function using as(pres_matrix, "dgCMatrix") from the Matrix package. (see vignette("sparse_matrices", package = "funrar"))


data("aravo", package = "ade4")
# Site-species matrix
mat = as.matrix(aravo$spe)

# Compute relative abundances
mat = make_relative(mat)

# Example of trait table
tra = aravo$traits[, c("Height", "SLA", "N_mass")]
# Distance matrix
dist_mat = compute_dist_matrix(tra)

di = distinctiveness(pres_matrix = mat, dist_matrix = dist_mat)
di[1:5, 1:5]

# Compute distinctiveness for all species in the regional pool
# i.e., with all the species in all the communities
# Here considering each species present evenly in the regional pool
reg_pool = matrix(1, ncol = ncol(mat))
colnames(reg_pool) = colnames(mat)
row.names(reg_pool) = c("Regional_pool")

reg_di = distinctiveness(reg_pool, dist_mat)

Truncated Functional Distinctiveness


Computes functional distinctiveness from a site-species matrix (containing presence-absence or relative abundances) of species with provided functional distance matrix considering only species within a given range in the functional space. Basically species are cutoff when their dissimilarity is above the input threshold. The sites-species matrix should have sites in rows and species in columns, similar to vegan package defaults.


distinctiveness_alt(pres_matrix, dist_matrix, given_range)



a site-species matrix (presence-absence or relative abundances), with sites in rows and species in columns


a species functional distance matrix


a numeric indicating the dissimilarity range at which the the other species are considered maximally dissimilar


The Functional Distinctiveness of a species is the average functional distance from a species to all the other in the given community. It is computed as such:

Di(T)=j=1 ,ji S[dijT+θ(dijT)(1dijT)]S1D_i(T) = \frac{ \sum\limits_{j = 1 ~,j \neq i ~}^S \left[ \frac{d_{ij}}{T} + \theta(d_{ij} - T) \left(1 - \frac{d_{ij}}{T} \right) \right] }{ S - 1 }

with DiD_i the functional distinctiveness of species ii, NN the total number of species in the community and dijd_{ij} the functional distance between species ii and species jj. TT is the chosen maximal range considered. The function θ(dijT)\theta(d_ij - T) is an indicator function that returns 1 when dijTd_{ij} \geq T and 0 when dij<Td_{ij} < T. IMPORTANT NOTE: in order to get functional rarity indices between 0 and 1, the distance metric has to be scaled between 0 and 1.


a similar matrix from provided pres_matrix with Distinctiveness values in lieu of presences or relative abundances, species absent from communities will have an NA value (see Note section)


Absent species should be coded by 0 or NA in input matrices.

When a species is alone in its community the functional distinctiveness cannot be computed (denominator = 0 in formula), and its value is assigned as NaN.

For speed and memory efficiency sparse matrices can be used as input of the function using as(pres_matrix, "dgCMatrix") from the Matrix package. (see vignette("sparse_matrices", package = "funrar"))

Functional Distinctiveness for a single community


Given a stacked data.frame and a distance matrix compute the functional distinctiveness for a single community. Functional distinctiveness relates to the functional "originality" of a species in a community. The closer to 1 the more the species is functionally distinct from the rest of the community. See distinctiveness() function or the functional rarity indices vignette included in the package (type vignette("rarity_indices", package = "funrar")), for more details on the metric. IMPORTANT NOTE: in order to get functional rarity indices between 0 and 1, the distance metric has to be scaled between 0 and 1.


  abund = NULL,
  relative = FALSE



a stacked (= tidy) data.frame from a single community with each row representing a species in a community


a character vector, the name of the species column in com_df


a character vector, the name of the column containing relative abundances values


a functional distance matrix as given by compute_dist_matrix(), with species name as row and column names


a logical indicating if distinctiveness should be scaled relatively to the community (scaled by max functional distance among the species of the targeted community)


the same data.frame with the additional Di column giving functional distinctiveness values for each species


This function is meant for internal uses mostly, thus it does not include any tests on inputs and may fail unexpectedly. Please use distinctiveness_stack() to avoid input errors.

See Also

scarcity_com(), vignette("rarity_indices", package = "funrar") and distinctiveness() Details section for detail on the index

Distinctiveness across combinations of traits


From a trait data.frame and a site-species matrix compute Distinctiveness (average pairwise functional distance) for each species in each community on each provided trait and on all traits taken altogether.


distinctiveness_dimensions(pres_matrix, traits_table, ...)



a site-species matrix, with species in rows and sites in columns, containing presence-absence, relative abundances or abundances values


a data.frame of traits with species in row and traits in columns, row names should be species names,


additional arguments supplied to compute_dist_matrix()


a list of site-species matrix with functional distinctiveness values per species per site, with elements Di_X for distinctiveness computed on trait X and Di_all for distinctiveness computed on all traits.

See Also

uniqueness_dimensions(), distinctiveness(), distinctiveness_stack() and compute_dist_matrix() for additional arguments


data("aravo", package = "ade4")

# Site-species matrix
mat = as.matrix(aravo$spe)
rel_mat = make_relative(mat)

# Example of trait table
tra = aravo$traits[, c("Height", "SLA", "N_mass")]

di_dim = distinctiveness_dimensions(rel_mat, tra)

Global/Regional Functional Distinctiveness from dissimilarity matrix


Given a distance (or dissimilarity) matrix or dist() objects compute regional/global level distinctiveness as if all species were present in the same community.


distinctiveness_global(dist_obj, di_name = "global_di")



a functional distance matrix as given by compute_dist_matrix(), with species name as row and column names or a dist() object with species names as labels()


a character vector giving the name of the distinctiveness column in the final data.frame (default: global_di)


a data.frame with two columns: by default species that contains the species names and global_di that contains the distinctiveness values. The first column that contains species names can renamed based on dist_obj dimnames, while the second column is renamed through the di_name argument.'

See Also

vignette("rarity_indices", package = "funrar") and distinctiveness() Details section for detail on the index

Alternative Truncated Functional Distinctiveness


Computes functional distinctiveness from a site-species matrix (containing presence-absence or relative abundances) of species with provided functional distance matrix considering only species within a given range in the functional space. The sites-species matrix should have sites in rows and species in columns, similar to vegan package defaults.


distinctiveness_range(pres_matrix, dist_matrix, given_range, relative = FALSE)



a site-species matrix (presence-absence or relative abundances), with sites in rows and species in columns


a species functional distance matrix


a numeric indicating the dissimilarity range at which the the influence of other species is not considered anymore


a logical indicating if distinctiveness should be scaled relatively to the community (scaled by max functional distance among the species of the targeted community)


The Functional Distinctiveness of a species is the average functional distance from a species to all the other in the given community. It is computed as such:

Di(T)=1  if  T<min(dij),Di(T)=(j=1 ,ji ,dijTSdij×Abjj=1 ,ji ,dijTSAbj)×(1j=1 ,ji ,dijTSAbjN)  if  Tmin(dij),D_i(T) = 1 ~~ if ~~ T < min(d_{ij}), \\ D_i(T) = \left( \frac{ \sum\limits_{j = 1 ~, j \neq i ~, d_{ij} \leq T}^S d_{ij} \times Ab_j }{ \sum\limits_{ j = 1 ~, j \neq i ~, d_{ij} \leq T}^S Ab_j } \right) \times \left(1 - \frac{ \sum\limits_{ j = 1 ~, j \neq i ~, d_{ij} \leq T}^S Ab_j }{ N } \right) ~~ if ~~ T \geq min(d_{ij}),

with DiD_i the functional distinctiveness of species ii, NN the total number of species in the community and dijd_{ij} the functional distance between species ii and species jj. TT is the chosen maximal range considered. When presence-absence are used Abj=1/NAb_j = 1/N and the term (1j=1 ,ji ,dijTSAbjN)\left(1 - \frac{ \sum\limits_{ j = 1 ~, j \neq i ~, d_{ij} \leq T}^S Ab_j }{ N } \right) is replaced by 1. IMPORTANT NOTE: in order to get functional rarity indices between 0 and 1, the distance metric has to be scaled between 0 and 1.


a similar matrix from provided pres_matrix with Distinctiveness values in lieu of presences or relative abundances, species absent from communities will have an NA value (see Note section)


Absent species should be coded by 0 or NA in input matrices.

When a species is alone in its community the functional distinctiveness cannot be computed (denominator = 0 in formula), and its value is assigned as NaN.

For speed and memory efficiency sparse matrices can be used as input of the function using as(pres_matrix, "dgCMatrix") from the Matrix package. (see vignette("sparse_matrices", package = "funrar"))


data("aravo", package = "ade4")
# Site-species matrix
mat = as.matrix(aravo$spe)

# Compute relative abundances
mat = make_relative(mat)

# Example of trait table
tra = aravo$traits[, c("Height", "SLA", "N_mass")]
# Distance matrix
dist_mat = compute_dist_matrix(tra)

di = distinctiveness_range(pres_matrix = mat, dist_matrix = dist_mat, 0.2)
di[1:5, 1:5]

Functional Distinctiveness on a stacked data.frame


Compute Functional Distinctiveness for several communities, from a stacked (or tidy) data.frame of communities, with one column for species identity, one for community identity and an optional one for relative abundances. Also needs a species functional distances matrix. Functional distinctiveness relates to the functional "originality" of a species in a community. The closer to 1 the more the species is functionally distinct from the rest of the community. See distinctiveness() function or the functional rarity indices vignette included in the package (type vignette("rarity_indices", package = "funrar")), for more details on the metric. IMPORTANT NOTE: in order to get functional rarity indices between 0 and 1, the distance metric has to be scaled between 0 and 1. You can either use ⁠_stack()⁠ or ⁠_tidy()⁠ functions as they are aliases of one another.


  abund = NULL,
  relative = FALSE

  abund = NULL,
  relative = FALSE



a stacked (= tidy) data.frame from a single community with each row representing a species in a community


a character vector, the name of the species column in com_df


a character vector, the column name for communities names


a character vector, the name of the column containing relative abundances values


a functional distance matrix as given by compute_dist_matrix(), with species name as row and column names


a logical indicating if distinctiveness should be scaled relatively to the community (scaled by max functional distance among the species of the targeted community)


the same data.frame with the additional Di column giving functional distinctiveness values for each species

See Also

scarcity_stack(), uniqueness_stack(), restrictedness_stack(); distinctiveness() Details section for detail on the index


data("aravo", package = "ade4")

# Example of trait table
tra = aravo$traits[, c("Height", "SLA", "N_mass")]
# Distance matrix
dist_mat = compute_dist_matrix(tra)

# Site-species matrix converted into data.frame
mat = as.matrix(aravo$spe)
mat = make_relative(mat)
dat = matrix_to_stack(mat, "value", "site", "species")
dat$site = as.character(dat$site)
dat$species = as.character(dat$species)

di_df = distinctiveness_stack(dat, "species", "site", "value", dist_mat)

Compute all Functional Rarity Indices from Matrices


From a site-species matrix and functional distance matrix compute all indices included in the package: functional uniqueness (regional, functional), functional distinctiveness (local, functional), geographical restrictedness (regional, extent), scarcity (local, abundance). Note: scarcity can only be computed if relative abundances are provided in the site-species matrix.


funrar(pres_matrix, dist_matrix, rel_abund = FALSE)



a site-species matrix (presence-absence or relative abundances), with sites in rows and species in columns


a species functional distance matrix


logical (TRUE or FALSE) indicating if site-species matrix contain relative abundances values or only presence-absence data (default = FALSE)


A list of 3 objects (or 4 if rel_abund = TRUE):


a vector containing uniqueness values per species,


a site-species matrix with functional distinctiveness values per species per site,


a vector containing geographical restrictedness values per species,

and if rel_abund = TRUE,


a site-species matrix with scarcity values per species per site.

See Also

uniqueness(), distinctiveness(), restrictedness(), scarcity()

Compute all Functional Rarity Indices from stacked data.frames


From a stacked (= tidy) data.frame and functional distance matrix compute all indices included in the package: functional uniqueness (regional, functional), functional distinctiveness (local, functional), geographical restrictedness (regional, extent), scarcity (local, abundance). Note: scarcity can only be computed if relative abundances are provided in the data.frame.


funrar_stack(com_df, sp_col, com, abund = NULL, dist_matrix)



a stacked (= tidy) data.frame from a single community with each row representing a species in a community


a character vector, the name of the species column in com_df


a character vector, the column name for communities names


a character vector, the name of the column containing relative abundances values


a functional distance matrix as given by compute_dist_matrix(), with species name as row and column names


A list of 3 objects (or 4 if abund is not NULL):


a vector containing uniqueness values per species,


a site-species matrix with functional distinctiveness values per species per site,


a vector containing geographical restrictedness values per species,

and if abund is not NULL,


a site-species matrix with scarcity values per species per site.

See Also

uniqueness_stack(), distinctiveness_stack(), restrictedness_stack(), scarcity_stack()

Tell if matrix or data.frame has relative abundances


From an abundance/presence-absence matrix or data.frame tells if it contains relative abundances or absolute abundances. Checks if all abundances are between 1 and 0 but never checks sum of abundances per community.


is_relative(given_obj, abund = NULL)



abundance or presence-absence matrix, with sites in rows and species in columns, or tidy community data frame


name of the column of the provided object that contains the abundances


TRUE if the input has relative abundances FALSE otherwise

See Also

make_relative() to transform matrix into a relative abundance matrix.


data("aravo", package = "ade4")

# Site-species matrix
mat = as.matrix(aravo$spe)
head(mat)[, 1:5]  # Has absolute abundances
rel_mat = make_relative(mat)
head(rel_mat)  # Relative abundances

# Forced to use ':::' becasue function is not exported
funrar:::is_relative(mat)      # FALSE
funrar:::is_relative(rel_mat)  # TRUE

Relative abundance matrix from absolute abundance matrix


From an abundance matrix (numbers of individuals of a given species at a site) returns a relative abundance matrix (proportion of individuals of a given species at a given site). This function works also with sparse matrices.





abundance matrix, with sites in rows and species in columns.


Similar shaped matrix as the input but with relative abundances instead


data("aravo", package = "ade4")

# Site-species matrix
mat = as.matrix(aravo$spe)
head(mat)[, 1:5]  # Has absolute abundances
rel_mat = make_relative(mat)
head(rel_mat)  # Relative abundances

Matrix to stacked (= tidy) data.frame


From a matrix with values to a stacked (= tidy) data.frame, exclude NA from given data.frame. If supplied object is not a matrix, try to coerce object to matrix first. matrix_to_tidy() is an alias of this function.


  value_col = "value",
  row_to_col = names(dimnames(my_mat))[1],
  col_to_col = names(dimnames(my_mat))[2]



matrix you want to transform in stacked (= tidy) data.frame


(optional) character vector to use for value column (default: 'value')


(optional) character vector used for name of column in data.frame corresponding to rows in matrix (default: corresponding dimension name)


(optional) character vector used for name of column in data.frame corresponding to columns in matrix (default: corresponding dimension name)


a stacked (= tidy) data.frame with, a column for row names, one for column names and a third one for the values.

See Also

stack_to_matrix() for the reverse operation


data("aravo", package = "ade4")

# Site-species matrix converted into data.frame
mat = as.matrix(aravo$spe)
dat = matrix_to_stack(mat, "value", "site", "species")

Geographical Restrictedness on site-species matrix


Computes geographical restrictedness from a site-species matrix. Geographical restrictedness is an index related to the extent of a species in a given dataset, it is close to 1 when the species is present in only a single site of the dataset (restricted) and close to 0 when the species is present at all sites. It estimates the geographical extent of a species in a dataset. See Details section to have details on the formula used for the computation. The sites-species matrix should have sites in rows and species in columns, similar to vegan package defaults.


restrictedness(pres_matrix, relative = FALSE)



a site-species matrix, with species in rows and sites in columns, containing presence-absence, relative abundances or abundances values


a logical (default = FALSE), indicating if restrictedness should be computed relative to restrictedness from a species occupying a single site


Geographical Restrictedness aims to measure the regional extent of a species in funrar it is computed the simplest way possible: a ratio of the number of sites where a species is present over the total number of sites in the dataset. We take this ratio off 1 to have a index between 0 and 1 that represents how restricted a species is:

Ri=1NiNtot,R_i = 1 - \frac{N_i}{N_tot},

where RiR_i is the geographical restrictedness value, NiN_i the total number of sites where species ii occur and NtotN_tot the total number of sites in the dataset. When relative = TRUE, restrictedness is computed relatively to the restrictedness of a species present in a single site:

Ri=RiRoneR_i = \frac{R_i}{R_one}

Ri=1KiKtot11KtotR_i = \frac{1 - \frac{K_i}{K_tot}}{1 - \frac{1}{K_tot}}

Ri=KtotKiKtot1R_i = \frac{K_tot - K_i}{K_tot - 1}

Other approaches can be used to measure the geographical extent (convex hulls, occupancy models, etc.) but for the sake of simplicity only the counting method is implemented in funrar.


A stacked data.frame containing species' names and their restrictedness value in the Ri column, similar to what uniqueness() returns.


data("aravo", package = "ade4")
# Site-species matrix
mat = as.matrix(aravo$spe)
ri = restrictedness(mat)

Geographical Restrictedness for stacked data.frame


Compute the geographical restrictedness for each species present in the stacked data.frame. Geographical restrictedness is an index related to the extent of a species in a given dataset, it is close to 1 when the species is present in only a single site of the dataset (restricted) and close to 0 when the species is present at all sites. It estimates the geographical extent of a species in a dataset. See restrictedness() for details on restrictedness computation. You can either use ⁠_stack()⁠ or ⁠_tidy()⁠ functions as they are aliases of one another.


restrictedness_stack(com_df, sp_col, com, relative = FALSE)

restrictedness_tidy(com_df, sp_col, com, relative = FALSE)



a stacked (= tidy) data.frame of communities


a character vector indicating the name of the species column


a character vector indicating the name of the community column


a logical (default = FALSE), indicating if restrictedness should be computed relative to restrictedness from a species occupying a single site


A stacked data.frame containing species' names and their restrictedness value in the Ri column, similar to what uniqueness_stack() returns.

See Also

restrictedness(), uniqueness_stack()


data("aravo", package = "ade4")

# Site-species matrix converted into data.frame
mat = as.matrix(aravo$spe)
dat = matrix_to_stack(mat, "value", "site", "species")
dat$site = as.character(dat$site)
dat$species = as.character(dat$species)
ri_df = restrictedness_stack(dat, "species", "site")

Scarcity on site-species matrix


Computes scarcity from a relative abundance matrix of species. Scarcity is close to 1 when a species is rare in a community and close to 0 when it is abundant. It requires a site-species matrix with relative abundances. See Details section for the formula. The sites-species matrix should have sites in rows and species in columns, similar to vegan package defaults.





a site-species matrix, with species in rows and sites in columns, containing relative abundances values


The scarcity of species is computed as follow:

Si=expNlog2Ai,S_i = \exp{-N \log{2} A_i},

with SiS_i the scarcity of species ii, NN the total number of species in the community and AiA_i the relative abundance of species ii in the community. Scarcity is thus a measure of the local rarity in terms of abundances. If SiS_i is close to 1 the species has a very low abundances while if it's close to 0, it is quite abundant in the community.


a similar matrix to pres_matrix with scarcity values in lieu of relative abundances.

See Also

vignette("rarity_indices", package = "funrar") for details on the scarcity metric; distinctiveness(), restrictedness(), uniqueness()


data("aravo", package = "ade4")
# Site-species matrix
mat = as.matrix(aravo$spe)
mat = make_relative(mat)

si = scarcity(pres_matrix = mat)
si[1:5, 1:5]

Scarcity for a single community


Given a stacked data.frame compute species scarcity. Scarcity measures how abundant is a species locally. Scarcity is close to 1 when a species is rare in a community and close to 0 when it is abundant. See scarcity() function or the functional rarity indices vignette included in the package (type vignette("rarity_indices", package = "funrar")) for details about the index.


scarcity_com(com_df, sp_col, abund)



a stacked (= tidy) data.frame from a single community with each row representing a species in a community


a character vector, the name of the species column in com_df


a character vector, the name of the column containing relative abundances values


the same data.frame with the additional Si column giving scarcity values for each species


This function is meant for internal uses mostly, thus it does not include any tests on inputs and may fail unexpectedly. Please use scarcity_stack() to avoid input errors.

See Also

scarcity() and vignette("rarity_indices", package = "funrar") for details on the scarcity metric; distinctiveness_com() to compute distinctiveness on a single community


data("aravo", package = "ade4")

# Site-species matrix converted into data.frame
mat = as.matrix(aravo$spe)
mat = make_relative(mat)
dat = matrix_to_stack(mat, "value", "site", "species")
dat$site = as.character(dat$site)
dat$species = as.character(dat$species)

si_df = scarcity_com(subset(dat, site == "AR07"), "species", "value")

Scarcity on a stacked data.frame


Compute scarcity values for several communities. Scarcity computation requires relative abundances. Scarcity is close to 1 when a species is rare in a community and close to 0 when it is abundant. See scarcity() function or the functional rarity indices vignette included in the package (type vignette("rarity_indices", package = "funrar")) for details about the index. You can either use ⁠_stack()⁠ or ⁠_tidy()⁠ functions as they are aliases of one another.


scarcity_stack(com_df, sp_col, com, abund)

scarcity_tidy(com_df, sp_col, com, abund)



a stacked (= tidy) data.frame from a single community with each row representing a species in a community


a character vector, the name of the species column in com_df


a character vector indicating the column name of communities ID in com_df


a character vector, the name of the column containing relative abundances values


The same table as com_df with an added SiS_i column for Scarcity values.

See Also

scarcity() and vignette("rarity_indices", package = "funrar") for details on the scarcity metric; distinctiveness_stack(), restrictedness_stack(), uniqueness_stack()


data("aravo", package = "ade4")

# Site-species matrix converted into data.frame
mat = as.matrix(aravo$spe)
mat = make_relative(mat)
dat = matrix_to_stack(mat, "value", "site", "species")
dat$site = as.character(dat$site)
dat$species = as.character(dat$species)

si_df = scarcity_stack(dat, "species", "site", "value")

Stacked (= tidy) data.frame to matrix


Passes from a stacked (= tidy) data.frame to a matrix. tidy_to_matrix() is an alias of this function.


  col_value = NULL,
  sparse = FALSE



data.frame you want to transform in matrix


character vector of the name of the data.frame column you want to put into matrix rows


character vector of the name of the data.frame column you want to be as columns in matrix


(optional, default = NULL) character vector indicating the name of a column coding the values that will be put in the matrix


(optional, default = FALSE) logical indicating whether to return a sparse matrix (if TRUE requires tidytext package)


a matrix with given col_to_row column in rows and col_to_col column in columns. If some cells are not present in the data.frame (e.g. some species not present at some sites), the matrix will have a NA value.

See Also

matrix_to_stack() for the reverse operation


example = data.frame("sites" = c(rep("1", 3), rep("2", 2)),
 "species" = c("A", "B", "C", "B", "D"),
  "abundance" = c(0.33, 0.33, 0.33, 0.4, 0.6))

mat = stack_to_matrix(example, "sites", "species", "abundance")

Functional Uniqueness for site-species matrix matrix


Computes the functional uniqueness from a site-species matrix with the provided functional distance matrix. Functional Uniqueness represents how "isolated" is a species in the global species pool, it is the functional distance to the nearest neighbor of the species of interest (see Details section for the formula). The sites-species matrix should have sites in rows and species in columns, similar to vegan package defaults.


uniqueness(pres_matrix, dist_matrix)



a site-species matrix (presence-absence or relative abundances), with sites in rows and species in columns


a species functional distance matrix


Functional Uniqueness UiU_i is computed as follow:

Ui=min(dij)j,ji,U_i = \min(d_{ij}) \forall j, j \neq i,

with UiU_i the functional uniqueness of species ii, and dijd_ij the functional distance between species ii and species jj


A data.frame with functional uniqueness values per species, with one column with provided species column name and the Ui column with functional uniqueness values.

See Also

distinctiveness(), restrictedness(), scarcity()


data("aravo", package = "ade4")

# Site-species matrix
mat = as.matrix(aravo$spe)
colnames(mat) = as.character(colnames(mat))

# Example of trait table
tra = aravo$traits[, c("Height", "SLA", "N_mass")]
# Distance matrix
dist_mat = compute_dist_matrix(tra)

ui = uniqueness(mat, dist_mat)

# Computing uniqueness for each community
com_ui = apply(mat, 1,
                function(x, dist_m) {
                    smaller_com = x[x > 0 & !]
                    uniqueness(t(as.matrix(smaller_com)), dist_m)
                }, dist_m = dist_mat)

Uniqueness across combinations of traits


From a trait table and a site-species matrix compute Uniqueness (nearest functional distance) for each species and each trait, plus computes it for all the traits.


uniqueness_dimensions(pres_matrix, traits_table, ...)



a site-species matrix, with species in rows and sites in columns, containing presence-absence, relative abundances or abundances values


a data.frame of traits with species in row and traits in columns, row names should be species names,


additional arguments supplied to compute_dist_matrix()


a data.frame containing species' names and their uniqueness values for each traits (Ui_X column for trait X), as well as a column for the uniqueness value for all traits (Ui_all column)

See Also

distinctiveness_dimensions(), uniqueness(), uniqueness_stack() and compute_dist_matrix() for additional arguments


data("aravo", package = "ade4")

# Site-species matrix
mat = as.matrix(aravo$spe)
rel_mat = make_relative(mat)

# Example of trait table
tra = aravo$traits[, c("Height", "SLA", "N_mass")]

ui_dim = uniqueness_dimensions(rel_mat, tra)

Functional Uniqueness on stacked data.frame


Computes functional uniqueness values over a given regional pool. Functional uniqueness gives the functional distance to the nearest-neighbor of a given species in the provided distance matrix. See uniqueness() function for details on computation. You can either use ⁠_stack()⁠ or ⁠_tidy()⁠ functions as they are aliases of one another.


uniqueness_stack(com_df, sp_col, dist_matrix)

uniqueness_tidy(com_df, sp_col, dist_matrix)



a data frame of the species in the regional pool.


a character vector indicating the name of the species column in the com_df data frame


a functional distance matrix


A data.frame with uniqueness value per species, with one column with provided species column name and the Ui column with the uniqueness values.

See Also

uniqueness() and vignette("rarity_indices", package = "funrar") for details on the uniqueness metric; distinctiveness_stack(), restrictedness_stack(), scarcity_stack()


data("aravo", package = "ade4")

# Site-species matrix converted into data.frame
mat = as.matrix(aravo$spe)
dat = matrix_to_stack(mat, "value", "site", "species")
dat$site = as.character(dat$site)
dat$species = as.character(dat$species)

# Example of trait table
tra = aravo$traits[, c("Height", "SLA", "N_mass")]
# Distance matrix
dist_mat = compute_dist_matrix(tra)

ui_df = uniqueness_stack(dat, "species", dist_mat)